There are many slates available, and the slates in the photos below are the more common types that we deal with. We are having great success with slates we import from Brazil – the slates are harder and more dense than the Spanish slate and even some of the English slates. Obviously a denser slate will last longer than a softer slate.
There are other well-known ones like Penrhyn, Westmorland, Burlington and Portmadoc which are well known Welsh and English slates, but the price for these slates can be 200-300% more than the slates below. The most common size used is 500mm x 250mm x 5-7mm thick. If you need ‘slate and a half’ or double slates, for mitred hips etc, these are available. You’ll need 18.6 slates per square metre of roof area plus extras for any cuts etc. A good rule of thumb is to allow for 20 slates per square metre, but if you ring or contact us we can help you work it out. We only import and supply natural roof slate that complies with British, European or American Standards, so you can be assured that you’ll be getting slates that will withstand the ravages of weather conditions that Mother Nature produces. With a colour range like this, there is a slate for you that will compliment your home or building, giving it a distinguished appearance that cannot be obtained any other way.

Black Pompeu

Grey Green


Jade Green

Rusty Slate
