Concrete roof tiles are one of Australia’s most popular and affordable roofing materials. With their durability and the diverse range of colours and profiles that are available there is sure to be a concrete tile colour and profile to suit your home, what ever style it is.

Concrete roof tiles increase in strength as they age. Only the best quality oxides are used for deep, long lasting colours that will stand the test of time. If you have a very low pitch roof it is better to use the striated tile than the smooth tile.

Whether you need roof repairs done, if your home needs re-roofing, or are building a new house, we can help you. We take particular care with our roofs that we install to ensure that you will have a roof that will last for year after year.
Our concrete roof tiles have the highest quality colours and finishes. Available in a variety of pro-files and collection of colours, we can offer you a range of options designed to suit your style.
Our locally made concrete roof tiles are COLOUR THROUGH which means the colour penetrates through the tile. When the tile is cut there is minimal colour difference on the cut edge.
Considering a roof restoration where paint is sprayed over the old existing tiles? Contact us. You will find it is far more economical in the long run to replace them with our THROUGH COLOUR tiles in-
stead of having to repaint the roof again every few years.

50 year Product Warranty – Concrete Roof Tiles are offered with a 50 Year Product Warranty which means the product is guaranteed to remain structurally sound and is free of manufacturing faults for the warranty period. Warranty applies to product installed within 200m of breaking surf and 500m of salt water.
Benefits of Concrete Tiles:
Rust and corrosion free – Concrete roof tiles are rust and corrosion resistant which means they are suitable for installation in even the harshest coastal environments.
Fire resistant – Concrete tiles are ideal for use in bush fire areas because they are non-combustible.
Sound insulation – Concrete roof tiles reduce external noise by up to 30 decibels which is more than twice the noise reduction achieved by other commonly used roofing materials.
Low in embodied energy – Testing shows that concrete roof tiles are the lowest embodied energy product of the three most commonly used roofing materials.
Reduces cooling requirements – Testing of similarly coloured roofing products shows roof tiles have a lower cooling requirement than other commonly used roofing materials.
Ideal for collection of water run off – Water run off from tiled roofs is as safe to use as that from any other roofing material.